If you download an illegitimate version of CCleaner Pro from a warez or cracking site, or via a torrent or peer-to-peer network, you are putting your computer and data at risk. Why you should download CCleaner from a trusted site We’ll run through the differences later so you can decide which is right for you for many people, the free version is just what they need. We have our famous CCleaner Free version as well as CCleaner Professional (which some people refer to as the CCleaner Full version). This isn’t just random luck but the result of a lot of hard work from our developers and ongoing efforts to improve it and add enhancements wherever we can. We are very proud of our CCleaner product because it’s the world’s most popular PC cleaner.

Not only will this help it run its best but also make it more secure (and you in the process). Keeping your computer clean and tidy is always a good idea.